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A grey squirrel trap

Our grey squirrel traps

You have found this page because you have a question about one of our grey squirrel traps

Our grey squirrel traps are located in areas where we are controlling the spread of grey squirrels. Each of the traps is inspected at least once every 24 hours. If a grey squirrel is caught in the trap it will be humanely dispatched, as is the law. It is an offence to tamper / damage / destroy or relocate the trap and it is also a criminal offence to release a grey squirrel once it is inside the trap.

Above and beyond our legal responsibilities, you will notice that our traps provide food, water and shelter for a trapped animal as it may be captive for up to 24 hours.

If you wish to report a trapped animal or have any questions about this device then please contact Bill, our grey squirrel control officer, on 07484 288497

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